Antique Japan Japanese

Antique Print of Japanese Enamel

Antique Print of Japanese Enamel

Antique Print of Japanese Enamel

Untitled print, Section VII, plate VI. This chromolithograph depicts Japanese enamel. A species of dagger, 2. A large tsuba (or sword guard), 3. Handle of the kodzuka, 4.

Detailed information about this print is available on request. This print originates from the second volume of'The ornamental arts of Japan' by G. The exquisite plates were published by Sampson, Low & Co. And printed by Lemercier & cie. This grand work has been hailed as the most beautiful art book of the late 19th century.

It contains text and plates in nine sections on painting, embroidery, textiles, lacquer, incrusted work, metal-work, cloisonné enamel, modeling and carving, and heraldry, With extensive notes on unpaginated leaves opposite each plate. Overall size: 41.2 x 29.4 cm.

Antique Print of Japanese Enamel